Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18th

What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.

Deadlines are almost like rules. They keep you from doing useless things all the time. If you didn't have deadlines then no one would do any work. In real life, you're always going to need to plan things out because you can't do nothing forever. If you have a behind the desk job, you're always going to have due dates for your projects. If you play a musical instrument, there's always going to be set dates for your concerts and recitals. Having deadlines in high school is just practice for your life after that because when your an adult you don't really get any second chances. I remember I had to turn in a book review for an unpublished book over the summer, but I ignored it for too long so now I don't get to review two books at a time. 

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