Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend was extremely busy for me. On Friday, right after school, I had to go volunteer at the Valley Park Elementary Carnival. It was a lot of fun because I did it with two of my friends. All the little kids were so adorable. The hours went by really fast, but it was still tiring keeping an eye on everyone. On Saturday, I had to wake up and make cookies for a picnic we were going to that day. The first batch didn't come through right so we had to start all over again. It took a couple hours but they came out close to perfectly and they were a big hit at the picnic. The picnic was overall boring because only old people were there and it lasted till 9. Sunday was probably the most chill day for me. I went to church, and I got to talk with some of my old friends there. After that, I watched the Patriots game for a bit, but couldn't catch the end of it because I had to leave for orchestra practice. At least the Patriots won though! Orchestra was also really enjoyable. They even gave us ice cream and we could decorate it anyway we would like. Of course I put mountains of sprinkles and m and ms on mine. After that, I just Skyped my friend in New Jersey and finished up some homework before I went to bed.

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