Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th

*Old Man Voice*
These days, those young-ins, all they doing is playing on their glowing contraptions. What are they called again. Those tellyphones? When I was a child, all I needed was two dollars in my pocket and I would go catch me a baseball game with some of my ol' buds. We be talking, not twitting on twitter or saying nonsense on that bookface website. Those whipper snappers need to be told off. They ain't gettin nothin done these days. Them kids don' even walk themselves to school. When I was their age, I had to walk 6 miles to my school and from school every mornin' and every evenin. I would wake up at 4 in the mornin just to milk the family cows and then go straight to work after school. Those kids need to learn the meaning of real work.
*End Scene*

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