Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

On Saturday I was rudely woken up by my parents because I was dragged all the way to a violin shop on the back of some random person's house. To be honest, I was actually pretty scared because the house was rundown and in the middle of nowhere. There was even a cat prowling around it. My violin teacher met us there so we could get my new setup. I needed a new chin rest and neck rest because if I continue playing violin with the one I have I could possibly severely injure my spine. We were stuck waiting outside the small shop for half an hour until we realized that the owner was out of town. I was not a happy camper. But my parents made it all better by buying me gummy bears because who doesn't like gummy bears. After that, I mostly chilled the rest of the day either doing parts of my homework or reading a book. On Sunday, I had to wake up again and go to church and then after that I had church orchestra practice. It was all tiring but still fun. Sunday night was spent doing last minute homework and then going to bed early because I was exhausted from all that waking up.

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