Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17th

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?

The quote is talking about how Web Design isn't just about how cool the finished product is, but instead its learning all the steps to getting there. Just knowing all the minute details and being able to perfect the web page into something you would be proud of. Anyone can use a template and paste pictures and type words on said template but its a whole different process to actually use code and style the website the same way you pictured it in your head. A design is a working product that runs smoothly. Some websites may look pretty on the outside, but the links may not work. That would still be considered a "design" but a true design would be able to incorporate working parts into the finished product of the website that also looks nice. For example, Google is really simplistic and looks neat and organized on the outside, but Google also almost never messes up. It gives you fast results without distracting colors flying all over your page. 

User Experience- The overall experience an individual person has while visiting a website or web page. 

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